Christopher J. Anderson is Head of Public Service and Reference Librarian at Princeton Theological Seminary. Previously, he served as Special Collections Librarian and Curator of the Day Missions Collection at Yale University. From 2007 to 2017 he was Associate Dean of Libraries and Head of Special Collections, Archives, and Methodist Librarian at the Drew University Library in Madison, New Jersey, USA. He also served as Librarian for the General Commission on Archives and History for The United Methodist Church. Anderson received a Ph.D. from Drew University in American Religion and Culture and a M.L.I.S. from Syracuse University. His scholarly interests include U.S. religious history, popular culture, and food studies. He has published two books, The Centenary Celebration of American Methodist Missions: The 1919 World’s Fair of Evangelical Americanism (2012) and Voices from the Fair: Race, Gender, and the American Nation at a Methodist Missionary Exposition (2012). He is currently working on a book project for the University of Arkansas Press examining the intersections of Foodways and 18th/19th Century U.S. Protestants. He has published several articles in print and online journals including: The Journal of Religion and Theater, The Journal of Religion and Film, The Journal of Library Philosophy and Practice, and Methodist History.
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