Delwin M. Anderson (1916 – 2007 ) – Director of Social Work Services, U.S. Veterans Administration and NASW Social Work Pioneer

Photo: NASW Foundation
Delwin M. (Del) Anderson was director of the Social Work Service of the Department of Medicine and Surgery in the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA) from 1964 to 1974. During this time he was responsible for giving overall direction to 2,600 social workers who were employed in 171 hospitals, 18 domiciliaries, and 206 out-patient clinics, the largest program of organized social service in the United States.
In his work in the Veterans Administration Anderson stressed the importance of social work‘s commitment to the treatment and rehabilitation of the whole person in the context of the individual’s medical and social environment. He emphasized the growing recognition of the social components of illness and injury and upon planning with the person and utilizing his or her assets rather than focusing on disability. His leadership placed social service representation within Veterans Administration policy-making groups where it was possible to consider new ways to preserve family ties and to provide the required resources and opportunities which would advance the veteran patient’s successful return to family and community life. Anderson also encouraged the appointment of social workers as consultants and administrators in other programs of the complex Veterans Administration.
Anderson received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota in 1939 and his master’s of social work degree from the same university in 1946. He began his Veterans Administration career in 1947 as a field social worker in Duluth, Minnesota and subsequently held positions of supervisor, chief social worker, and area chief before coming to the Central office. Prior to employment with the VA, he had taught in the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Minnesota, worked as a program director in the Goodrich Social Settlement in Cleveland, Ohio; and as Assistant Boys Secretary in the YMCA in Minneapolis.
Anderson has served on committees and boards of a number of social work organizations including NASW, CSWE, the National Conference on Social Welfare, the American Hospitals Association, Society for Hospital Social Work Directors, and the National Council on Aging. He has also served on community boards including the Commission on Human Resources and the Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Service Board in Arlington County, Virginia. Anderson has published numerous articles including the section on “Veterans’ Service” for the 1971 Encyclopedia of Social Work. He served on the editorial board of social work from 1965 to 1971 and was chairman of the editorial committee for Proceedings of the Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare in 1972. The Veterans Administration honored Anderson by selecting him to attend several Executive Seminars given the Civil Service Commission and the Brookings Institute. He received an award from the University of Minnesota for outstanding achievement at the 5th annual meeting of the School of Social Work Alumni Association in 1969 and the Veterans Administration’s Distinguished Service Award in 1974.
Originally Published: NASW Foundation
How to Cite this Article (APA Format): NASW Foundation (2004). Delwin M. Anderson (1916-2007) – Director of Social Work Services, U.S. Veterans Administration and NASW social work pioneer. Social Welfare History Project. Retrieved [date accessed] from
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