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Bureau of Vocations for Women (1921)

Bureau of Vocations for Women (1921) published in Directory of Business and Professional Women in Richmond, Virginia, 1921     This published statement outlines the mission and activities of the Bureau of Vocations for Women (originally the Woman’s Occupational Bureau) founded by Orie Latham Hatcher. Hatcher initiated the idea of a school of social work…

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Food Assistance in the United States

By Laura Crouch, 2020. In the United States, millions of people face hunger and food insecurity each day. Unable to provide for themselves and their families, they turn to food assistance programs for both short and long term needs. The USDA defines food insecurity as “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food” (USDA, 2019). About 40 million Americans struggle with food insecurity each year.

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Orie Latham Hatcher, Woman’s Club, Richmond, Va., 1904

Miss Hatcher’s Lecture at Woman’s Club Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sunday May 15, 1904   On Monday afternoon at the Woman’s Club, Miss Orie Latham Hatcher will deliver a lecture on “The Rise and Development of the English Novel.” Miss Hatcher is a woman of unusual intellectual attainments and great interest is felt in her first appearance…

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Hatcher, Orie Latham

Orie Latham Hatcher, Ph.D. (December 10, 1868 – April 1, 1946): educator, pioneer of vocational guidance, founder, Bureau of Vocations for Women, organizer, Richmond School of Social Economy by Laura Crouch   Orie Latham Hatcher (1868-1946) was an educator and influential advocate for vocational guidance, both for women and for young people living in the…

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Willard State Hospital, New York. Primary Sources

Plans and elevations and a historical sketch of the Willard Asylum for the insane, at Willard, on Seneca-Lake, N.Y. (1887) This report may also be read through the Internet Archive. Annual report of the Trustees of the Willard State Hospital, for the year 1892 This report may also be read through the Internet Archive. Annual…

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