Editor’s Note: The original document included a written approval at the top right side of the page with the date of 1950 and signed by Lois G. Castle.
In 1928 Mr. Ezra Seymour Gosney founded and endowed a non-profit organization, known as the Human Betterment Foundation, for the purpose of fostering and aiding constructive and educational forces for the protection and betterment of the human family. In collaboration vith Dr. Paul Popence and other scientists Mr. Gosney carried on an extensive study in the field of eugenic sterilization, including particularly its medical, legal and social aspects. In 1929 and 1930 an exhaustive study was made of 6000 cases of sterilization of eugenically unfit. Eight years later a second similar critical study of 10,000 cases was made. As a part of a program to make known the results of such research, three books covering the findings of these studies were placed in most of the larger city and university libraries. For many years an eight page summary of the subject of eugenics sterilization was supplied free to educators. The requests for these numbered well over one hundred thousand each year. Several foreign countries published translations of the Foundation ‘s studies.
Following the death of Mr. Gosney in 1942, the Trustees of the Human Betterment Foundation agreed that the best interests of the Foundation would be served by transferring its activities to the California Institute of Technology. As a consequence in October 1943 an agreement was drawn up according to which the Human Betterment Foundation was to be dissolved as such and its assets turned over to the Institute. The Institute agreed to use these assets “and the proceeds thereof to establish the Gosney Research Fund, the income from which will be devoted in perpetu1ty to the promotion of research into the biological bases of human qualities and for making known the results of such research for the public interest.”
At the present time the income of the Gosney Research Fund is used in support of postdoctoral fellowships in those branches of biological sciences basic to our understanding of human welfare. Gosney Research Fellowships are available to qualified investigators who hold the Ph.D. degree or its equivalent and who have demonstrated. exceptional ability in original research. Preference is given to candidates who desire to carry on research in the general field of heredity. The Gosney Research Fund is currently administered by a Gosney Fund Committee made up of Professors A. H. Sturtevant, Chairman, E. G. Anderson, Max Mason, and A. van Harreveld, (inserted in ink: Dr. Ray Owen).
In effecting the transfer of the material assets of the Human Betterment Foundation to the Gosney Research Fund of the Institute special credit is due Mrs. Lois Gosney Castle, daughter of Mr. E.S. Gosney. Mrs. Castle spent approximately two and a half years in putting the affairs of the Foundation in good order and in converting properties and other assets into fluid form. In addition, she maintained a keen interest in the activities supported by the Gosney Research Fund.
Source: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Social Welfare History Archives. Minneapolis, MN:
How to Cite this Article (APA Format): Castle, L.G. (1950). The Gosney Research Fund. Retrieved [date accessed] from /?p=8797.
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