Certificate of Incorporation
March 27, 1903
We, the undersigned, all being persons of full age and at least two-thirds being citizens of the United States, and at least one f us a resident of the United States, and at least one of us a resident of the State of New York, desiring to form a corporation, pursuant to the Membership Corporations Law of the State of New York, do hereby make, a sign, acknowledge and file this certificate for the purpose as follows:
First: The name of the proposed corporation is: Henry Street Settlement
Second: The purposes for which it is to be formed are: To provide and maintain a system of free visiting nursing, to provide homes for nurses engaged therein, and generally to do all things proper to be done by said nurses in connection with said nursing:- to conduct and maintain settlements as centers for the cultivation of higher civic and social life, including free libraries, reading and meeting rooms; and to maintain free homes for convalescents, and for recreative purpose.
Third: The territory in which said corporation is principally to conduct its operations is the City of New York
Fourth: Its principal business office is to be located in the Borough of Manhattan, City, County, and State of New York.
Fifth: The number of its Directors is to be seven.
Sixth: The name of post office addresses of the persons who are to be its directors until the first annual meeting are:
Lillian D. Wald 265 Henry Street, N. Y.
Jane E. Hitchcook “
Ysabella G. Waters “
Henrietta Van Cleft “
Susan Bishop 312 E. 78th Street, N. Y.
M. M. Brown 36 E. 37th Street, N. Y.
Lavinia L. Dock 265 Henry Street, N. Y.
Seventh: The time for holding the Annual Meeting of the corporation
Source: Henry Street Settlement Records. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Social Welfare History Archives. Minneapolis, MN: https://www.lib.umn.edu/swha
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