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American Social Hygiene Association: Keeping Fit Posters II (1919)

Keeping Fit Posters

Keeping Fit “Keeping Fit” was a 48-poster series produced by the American Social Hygiene Association in collaboration with the U.S. Public Health Service and the YMCA in 1919. It was designed to educate teenage boys and young men about the dangers of sexual promiscuity and urged them to embrace moral and physical fitness. A parallel series, “Youth and Life” was designed for girls and young women.

The sex instinct in a boy or man makes him want to act, dare, possess, strive. When controlled and directed, it gives ENERGY, ENDURANCE, FITNESS.
The sex instinct in a boy or man makes him want to act, dare, possess, strive. When controlled and directed, it gives ENERGY, ENDURANCE, FITNESS.




















Men who fail to develop self-control sometimes yield to sex temptation to indulge in sexual intercourse with immoral girls and become infected with a venereal (sex) disease. The chief venereal diseases are syphilis (pox) and gonorrhea (clap).
Men who fail to develop self-control sometimes yield to sex temptation to indulge in sexual intercourse with immoral girls and become infected with a venereal (sex) disease. The chief venereal diseases are syphilis (pox) and gonorrhea (clap).




















A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children's children may pay the penalty of his mistake.
A man may transmit syphilis to his children. His children’s children may pay the penalty of his mistake.





















This girl may become an invalid for life if she marries a man who has had gonorrhea not entirely cured. Gonorrhea causes: 1. Many surgical operations upon women; 2. Much invalidism among innocent wives; 3. Many childless marriages.
This girl may become an invalid for life if she marries a man who has had gonorrhea not entirely cured. Gonorrhea causes: 1. Many surgical operations upon women; 2. Much invalidism among innocent wives; 3. Many childless marriages.





















Have you a right to go to the marriage altar demanding honor and purity in the girl you marry, unless you are willing to offer her a clean life?
Have you a right to go to the marriage altar demanding honor and purity in the girl you marry, unless you are willing to offer her a clean life?






















Although man and many other animals reproduce their kind in much the same way, man differs from other animals in the way he treats his offspring. The human father and mother form a union called the family, and patiently rear their children through long years of infancy. Within the family the finest feelings of the race - comradeship, courage, loyalty, unselfishness, love - are developed.
Although man and many other animals reproduce their kind in much the same way, man differs from other animals in the way he treats his offspring. The human father and mother form a union called the family, and patiently rear their children through long years of infancy. Within the family the finest feelings of the race – comradeship, courage, loyalty, unselfishness, love – are developed.





















Treat every girl as you would like to have another man or boy treat your sister, girl friend, or sweetheart.
Treat every girl as you would like to have another man or boy treat your sister, girl friend, or sweetheart.






















Sickly and frail when a boy, Roosevelt by faithful training achieved the vigor of manhood.
Sickly and frail when a boy, Roosevelt by faithful training achieved the vigor of manhood.





















See Previous “Keeping Fit” Posters                                                                        See “Youth and Life” Posters

Source: American Social Health Association Records, 1905-2005. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Social Welfare History Archives. Minneapolis, MN:

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