“Youth and Life” was a 48-poster series, designed to educate teenage girls and young women about the dangers of sexual promiscuity and urged them to embrace moral and physical fitness. It was adapted in 1922 by the American Social Hygiene Association from “Keeping Fit,”, similar series for boys and young men produced in cooperation with the U.S. Public Health Department and the YMCA.
Every girl can improve her hair. Brush it clean and glossy every day. Use your own comb and brush. Dandruff is “catching.” Every girl wants an attractive mouth. Brush your teeth night and morning. Go to the dentist twice a year. Smile!
The secretion of the ovaries makes the girl grow into a woman. The secretion in the testes makes the boy grow into a man. The ovaries and testes also make possible fatherhood and motherhood — reproduction.
Sex endows the girl with beauty of body, vivacity, and charm of manner. It is the sex or creative impulse which inspires her warmth of affection, her intensity of purpose, her desire to devote herself to the welfare of humanity.
A real home is no accident. Efficient housekeeping increases home comfort. It requires knowledge and skill. Learn: To care for the house – Business efficiency; To spend wisely – Budget system; To feed the family – Food values; To care for the baby – Child hygiene.
Build your home upon a personality. It may be a single room in a city boarding house. It may be with another girl, or with your own family, or alone. But if you bring to it the zest of living, an interest in people and events, and friends worthwhile, yours will be a real home.
Anna Howard Shaw, Alice Freeman Palmer, Jane Addams, Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell, Maria Mitchell, Madam Curie, Madam Schumann-Heink, Ethel Barrymore, Margaret Deland, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Source: American Social Health Association Records, 1905-2005. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Social Welfare History Archives. Minneapolis, MN: https://www.lib.umn.edu/swha
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